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DigiSalad Solutions Limited
Innovative Digital Agency in HK!
No review record yet.
Founded: 2016
We speak English , Mandarin & Cantonese
Website UI Design
Web Programming
Website UX Design
Key Clients: Timberland, SWIRE, Cathay Pacific, KPMG, McDonald, UBM, Ford, Wynn Macau, Kitco, Banyan Tree Group, Ofmom, Panasonic, Speedo, Loreal, Hysan, Lee Gardens, Great Eagles Holdings Group, ChampionREIT, DairyFarm, Canon, TvN, ViuTV
Office - Root/common.
- Unit A6, 33/F TML Tower, 3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., H.K.

DigiSalad Solutions Limited


We believe Digital Media is like a mixed salad with lots of different ingredients. There will be more unknown “ingredients” and new possibilities for us to explore in the coming future.
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