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DigiSalad Solutions Limited
Innovative Digital Agency in HK!
No review record yet.
Founded: 2016
We speak English , Mandarin & Cantonese
Website UI Design
Web Programming
Website UX Design
Key Clients: Timberland, SWIRE, Cathay Pacific, KPMG, McDonald, UBM, Ford, Wynn Macau, Kitco, Banyan Tree Group, Ofmom, Panasonic, Speedo, Loreal, Hysan, Lee Gardens, Great Eagles Holdings Group, ChampionREIT, DairyFarm, Canon, TvN, ViuTV
Office - Root/common.
- Unit A6, 33/F TML Tower, 3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., H.K.

DigiSalad Solutions Limited

1 Source is a nutrition scanner mobile app designed & developed by DigiSalad team and we won 2019 Asia Smart App Award with this app.

Users are able to view the product ingredients by scanning the ingredient label or barcodes on the product package. It gathers groups of big data in order to maintain the app operation. This app helps as a dietary guide, which is especially useful to the elderly, kids, and patients with nutrition restrictions.

Our team adopts the concept of “simplicity” as the UX rationale. We try to keep the layout as simple as possible for this informative app. For example, an expandable floating button is used at the homepage to prevent users from going through too many steps to reach their destination.

It is going to be a helpful tool for the metropolitan to “wisely select” products at a glance.
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