Creote Studio
Hong Kong Electric Maintenance Assistant
We have designed an app for Hong Kong Electric which works as a maintenance assistant for the workers. Workers can simply hold phone up to the machine and the screen will show them step by step how to change the fix the problems. The process is so much faster as they do not need to contact their colleagues and ask how to fix a typical problem on the machine.
client size 客戶: Hong Kong Electric
industry focus 客戶行業: 公用事業
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 3D設計服務 , 3D繪圖 , 設計和編碼 , UX設計 , UI設計
category 類型: 移動應用
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業對員工
Mobile App design
3d design
Hong Kong Electric