3 Eyes Limited
Facebook Application Development for Sony to Gain more Followers and Shares
Sony – Sony Bravia 10th Anniversary Puzzle Collection Facebook Application

Client : Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited

Digital Platforms :

Facebook Application

Campaign Objectives :

Increase fans number of Sony Hong Kong Fan Page

Encourage more participation by referring to friends

Celebration for Bravia 10th anniversary in engaging way

Increase more viral effects through Facebook wall feed

What's about?

This Facebook application aims to celebrate Bravia 10th anniversary and draw more people “Like” on Sony Hong Kong Facebook Fan Page. It also aims to promote for Sony Bravia products in an engaging way by puzzle collection.

The 3 fastest users that collect all 10 puzzles in 10 weeks and answer the final question correctly will win the grand prizes. To increase for more viral effects and encourage for more participations, weekly prizes of Sony BRAVIA 10TH souvenirs will be given to the 10 users, who are the fastest to give the correct answer. To reach for both web and mobile users, this Facebook Application is developed by HTML with J-query animation.
client size 客戶: Sony
industry focus 客戶行業: 消費品及服務
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 廣告平面設計 , 圖片修改 , 社交媒體設計 , 社交媒體內容開發 , 網上品牌管理 , 零售品牌 , 零售環境
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業對消費者 , 大眾
Online Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Facebook marketing
Facebook Application Development