Infin Media Company Limited
Website Development for Hong Kong Week
Client: Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee

Presented by Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee

Provided Services:

1. Web Design
2. Responsive Web Design
3. Web Development
4. Web Maintenance
5. Multi Language Support
6. Search Function


This is an annual event held in Taipei which aims to create a platform for cultural exchange between Hong Kong and Taiwan. We have been working for the client for 3 years, this year we were commissioned to remove the latest design layout and recreate a new one with parallax scrolling effect.
client size 客戶: Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee
industry focus 客戶行業: 政府機構
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 設計和編碼 , UI設計 , 前端(Frontend)網站應用程序開發 , 全端(Full Stack )網站開發 , 後端(Backend)網站開發 , 靜態HTML和CSS , 網站編程
category 類型: 網站
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 大眾
Website Development
Responsive Website
Web Maintenance
Multi Language Support