F5 Works Limited
Website Development for SMALL BATCH LEARNING - Learning Platform for Hotels and Bars
Hotels and bars can build and manage their own learning platform for free. Increased training and higher staff engagement results in better customer service and more sales.
client size 客戶: SMALL BATCH LEARNING
industry focus 客戶行業: 教育
client size 客戶規模: 中小企業
service 服務: 設計和編碼 , UI設計 , 全端(Full Stack )網站開發 , 後端(Backend)網站開發 , 靜態HTML和CSS , 網站編程 , 內容管理系統(CMS)
category 類型: 網站
tech 程式語言/科技應用: Ruby on Rails
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業對員工
Web Development
Ruby On Rails
Hong Kong
Ruby on Rails