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3Faktur HK Limited
3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping For your Business
No review record yet.
Location: Hong Kong Sar
Founded: 2014
We speak English , Mandarin & Cantonese
Brand Development
Retail Branding
Key Clients:
Office - Hong Kong Sar
- Units 1205-1208, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong

3Faktur HK Limited


Markus May is the Chief Executive Officer of 3Faktur. Before founding 3Faktur, Markus has worked 6 years for McKinsey & Company, in Berlin, Vienna and Shanghai. He holds a MSc in Biological Sciences, as well as an MBA.

Johannes Zaremba is the Chief Financial Officer of 3Faktur. Before founding 3Faktur, he has founded several successful businesses, and worked in the finance departments of multiple multinational companies, including BMW and Sandoz. Johannes holds a BA in both Business Administration and Industrial Engineering.

Simon Choe is the Group Chief Operating Officer, as well as the Chief Executive Officer of 3Faktur HK Ltd. Before founding 3Faktur, Simon has worked for IMS Health as consultant, and Project Engineer for Biomet in New York, Changzhou and Shanghai. He holds a BSc in Engineering, as well as an MBA.
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