3 Eyes Limited
Promotion Campaign Website for Cancer Fund to Increase Public Awareness
Cancer Fund – Soberman Profile Picture Generator Campaign Mini Site

Client : Hong Kong Cancer Fund

Digital Platforms :

Campaign Mini Site

Campaign Objectives :

Increase for the public awareness of Hong Kong Cancer Fund

Promote the latest campaign for the Hong Kong Cancer Fund

Draw traffic from campaign mini site to Cancer Fund Website

What's about?

Hong Kong Cancer Fund is Hong Kong's largest cancer support organization, providing free information and professional support to anyone living with or affected by cancer. This campaign mini site, which aims to promote the latest Soberman Profile Picture Generator campaign with the slogan “Stay chilled. Stay healthy”.

User can choose a photo from their devices or on Facebook to generate a Soberman profile picture and download the image as results. They can choose to upload the profile picture on Facebook in order to support and help s spreading the meaningful campaign.
client size CLIENT: Cancer Fund
industry focus INDUSTRY: Non-profit
client size CLIENT SIZE: Enterprise
service SERVICE: Design & Code , UI Design , Web & Online Branding
category TYPE: Websites
location LOCATION: Hong Kong SAR
audience TARGET AUDIENCE: B2B , Mass Public , High Income , Middle Class , Adult
Cancer Fund