Exceed Your Expectations (Greater China Financial)
Client: Greater China Financial Holdings Limited

Greater China Financial Holdings Limited (HKEX Stock Code:00431) is a cross-border financial services integration platform listed on Hong Kong, providing financial services such as securities trading, asset management, and a money lending business. The client originally decided only to design the company’s website in compliance with the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules which requires each listed companies to create its own website to upload announcements, circulars, or other documents thereon. However, our Swantix team is by no means satisfied with a simple running account to meet the listing requirements. We also want our customers to establish an important digital brand image and online advertising channels to ensure a perfect website marketing experience.

Compared with dealing with general corporate websites, it takes more time and resources to design and create websites for listed companies, especially during the pre-site planning. Swantix’s web designers must understand the listing rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and fully understand the needs of the client’s investor relationships. This understanding will allow Swantix’s expert design department to tailor the most suitable and most user-friendly website for the Company brand.

For example, if the HKEx requires that the electronic version of all the documents be presented to HKEx after 7 p.m., the client’s website must post the relevant documents on the morning of the next business day. Swantix’s design allows customers to manage corporate documents more effectively, meet market requirements, and introduce more popular tagging systems in social media so that customers and browsers can find all relevant documents. The Swantix team also designed an instant, up-to-date share price system for clients to access the stock price in real-time, providing customers with first-hand information.

With this design of a CMS, our client can update the web content on their own simply and quickly, which could save a lot of time and expense in long run.
industry focus INDUSTRY: Financial Services
client size CLIENT SIZE: Enterprise
service SERVICE: CMS
location LOCATION: Hong Kong SAR
Website UI Design
Website UX Design
Hong Kong