Creote Studio
Zero Carbon Building Interactive Visit Tours / Colouring Book
Zero Carbon Building has appointed Creote Studio for an interactive visit tours by embedding AR effects onto the trackless autopilot car. By pointing WedCam to the car, visitors can see animals standing on the car which helps to attract people attention. Another project that Creote Studio has involved is a technical sample created by us to showcase the AR effect with dynamic coloring feature. Try color in the horse in the picture above, and point the AR camera onto the image, and you see a 3D presentation of the bear appearing on the page with the colors that you have applied, and giving life to your design and creativity through AR.
client size 客戶: Zero Carbon Building
industry focus 客戶行業: 建造業
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 3D設計服務 , 3D繪圖
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業形象
Zero Carbon Building
Visit Tours
3d design