Creote Studio
Hong Kong Hospital Authority VR Training
Creote has developed a VR health and safety training for Hong Kong Hospital Authority. The main purpose of such project is to test whether elderlies are alert enough to signal some dangers. They are required to do some tasks, (e.g. boil water) and the program will randomly assign incidents to them to side track them (e.g. the phone rang). If they forget that they were cooking before and ignore the initial task, they will not score any mark from the training. By adopting VR technology, dangerous scenarios can be avoided to create in the reality.
client size 客戶: Hong Kong Hospital Authority
industry focus 客戶行業: 政府機構
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 3D設計服務 , 3D繪圖
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業對消費者 , 企業對員工
Hong Kong Hospital Authority
3D Design
3D Design