3 Eyes Limited
Email Direct Marketing (eDM) Promotion for Cup Noodles Lucky Draw event (Nissin Foods)
Nissin Foods – CN Lucky Draw Online Form eDM Promotion

Client : Nissin Foods Company Limited

Digital Platforms :


Campaign Objectives :

Promote for the Cup Noodles Lucky Draw event

Promote for online registration after purchased

Highlight the “Cup Noodles – SG Crab flvaours ”

Highlight the incentives for Lucky Draw event

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EDM is used to promote about Cup Noodles Lucky Draw campaign registration. It helps to increase sales for buying products of Cup Noodles as users can fill in this redemption form for online registration and join lucky draw after purchased. It also highlights the Chilli/Black Pepper Crab flavours of Cup Noodles and the related incentives of the campaign to attract more participation.
client size 客戶: Nissin Foods
industry focus 客戶行業: 消費品及服務
client size 客戶規模: 大型企業
service 服務: 廣告平面設計 , 圖片修改 , 電子郵件營銷
location 地區: 香港特別行政區
audience 目標對象: 企業對消費者 , 大眾
Nissin Foods