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XLMS Limited
Planning - Architecture - Interiors - Project Management
No review record yet.
Location: Hong Kong Sar
Founded: 2014
We speak English , Mandarin & Cantonese
Brand Development
Key Clients: Lan Kwai Fong Group, Four Seas Group, Talent Property, CAQ and Major Domus
Office - Hong Kong Sar
- Level 10, 41 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
Thank-you to PerspectiveGlobal, nominators, XLMS partners and clients for this year's architecture category '40 under 40' award. Every year, Perspective selects 40 creative stars in Asia under the age of 40 from design field whom will shape the design world in the decades to come.

The XLMS team are looking forward to unveiling more innovative projects in the coming year!
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