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Location: Hong Kong Sar
Founded: 2012
We speak English , Mandarin , French & Cantonese
Website UX Design
Web Programming
Website UI Design
Search Engine Optimization
Advertising & PPC
Web & Online Branding
Key Clients: Hong Kong Art Gallery Association, Maxim's Group, Vantage Asia, Fackelmann Asia, Lookdiary, Glo Station, Masterpan, Chiho Group, Okooko, Munros Solicitors, Wong Man Kits SC's Chambers.
Office - Hong Kong Sar
- Room B, 5/F, Lee Man Commercial Building, 105-107 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
DOOD's team of developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to CMS build and configuration.
DOOD's team of web designers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to Website UX design.
DOOD's team of developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to Web Programming.
DOOD's team of developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to PHP Programming.
DOOD's team of web developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to Website UI design.
DOOD's team of developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to Wordpress Programming.
DOOD's team of developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to Magento Programming.
DOOD's team of developers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to WooCommerce Programming.
DOOD's team of web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to SEO.
DOOD's team of advertisers and web dedicated staff members will answer all your requirements when it comes to Advertising and PPC.
DOOD's team of experienced web deisgners will answer all your requirements when it comes to Web and online branding.
Website UX Design
Web Programming
Website UI Design
Search Engine Optimization
Advertising & PPC
Web & Online Branding
Major strength lays in Wordpress and Magento based solutions.
Search Engine Optimization.
Visual and Graphic design.
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