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Aloha Group Limited
Put You in front of Fullest Potential
No review record yet.
Location: Hong Kong Sar
Founded: 2016
We speak English , Mandarin & Cantonese
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
Mobile App Marketing
Advertising & PPC
Digital Marketing Strategy
Key Clients: SmarTone Allianz Global Investors WWPKG AIG Samsonite SunCity Group BioDerma Asia World Expo Henderson Group
Office - Hong Kong Sar
- Lion Rock 72, 1/F InnoCentre, Kln Tong, HK

Aloha Group Limited

Initial Setup
1) Google Tag Manager Connection
2) SEO Related Tool Tracking Connection
3) Full Website Audit
4) Sitemap.xml & Rober.txt Generation
5) SEO Best Practice Guideline

Optimization Services
1) Google Analytics & Google Search Console Account
Management & Maintenance
2) Site Audit Reports & Recommendations
3) Page Level Best Practices
4) Traffic & Keyword Reports, Insights and Recommendations
Account Management
1) Dedicated account management team to handle online
2) Setup, launch, monitor and optimize social ad platforms
3) Ad targeting: Develop and refine audience targeting
4) Tracking: Google Analytics recording, upkeep and
5) Facebook audience pooling and data upkeep
6) Budget monitoring, delivery upkeep, optimization insights
7) Scheduled Reporting
Account Management
1) Dedicated account management team to handle app
related installation and/or interaction campaigns
2) Recommend, setup, launch, monitor and optimize PPC ad
3) Ad targeting: Develop and refine audience targeting
4) Tracking: App related tracking recording, upkeep and
5) Budget monitoring, delivery upkeep, optimization insights
6) Scheduled Reporting
Account Management
1) Dedicated account management team to handle online
2) Recommend, setup, launch, monitor and optimize PPC
3) Ad targeting: Develop and refine audience targeting
4) Keyword structure, ad copy and other implementations
related to SEM
5) Tracking: Google Analytics recording, upkeep and
6) Audience pooling, remarketing and audience upkeep
7) Budget monitoring, delivery upkeep, optimization insights
8) Scheduled Reporting
Account Management
1) Dedicated account management team to handle online
2) Recommend and advise on short term, mid term and long term goals with applicable concrete KPIs
3) Recommend, setup, launch, monitor and optimize various
PPC platforms
3) Ad targeting: Develop and refine audience targeting
4) Keyword structure, ad copy and other implementations
related to SEM
5) Channel to channel interaction and synergy strategies
6) Tracking: Google Analytics recording, upkeep and
7) Audience pooling, remarketing and audience upkeep
8) Budget monitoring, delivery upkeep, optimization insights
9) Scheduled Reporting
Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
Mobile App Marketing
Advertising & PPC
Digital Marketing Strategy
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